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Project: nrNR

Consept Art

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Up-Dates on my Instagram

So alott of my Inspiration&function`s i whant for the game is bit`s and Peaces from several games including:

DeltaForce Game Serie`s inc(DFX1,DFX2)


Serious Sam FE&SE.

Serious Sam FE HD & SE HD.

Serious Sam 3 BFE

DukeNukem3D,ShadowWarrior(1996),Blood and Blood2

RainBowSix, RainBowSix RogueSpear, RainBowSix3 RavenShield

Medal of Honor Game Serie`s, LifeForceTenka(ps1). and Alott more++.


The game probly end`s up with alott of Guns(Real life/Inspired&maby Fictional) and Different types of missions Assult/spy/Stealth But: they are select able of what kind of mission type you whant to do so you are not forced to do spy/stealth missions if you only whant to Runn&Gun ;)

alott of the problem`s with (C)Copyright and (TM)TradeMark and (IP)IntelectualProperty is that i cant remake Guns or levels from enny of my beloved fps games so everty thing need to be my own if i dont get some how right`s from RealLife Gun Maker`s and Game`s.

but on the other hand it doe`s ends up with my 100%own game thoe :D


if you(that are reading this) desides to donate for this game project i say Thank you so mutch in advance, cuz it realy helps so i can afford coffe and keeps working&Maby Uppgrade my Equipment like MobilePhone/Camer for Photo`s and texture`s, audio for recording sounds.

I probly do some perk`s(gets weekyl buld`s, Alpha`s. etc)  for thoes that donates over a certain amount, am not sure thoe but will se. :)

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